Kamis, 23 Maret 2017

TOEFL Test_Bahasa Inggris Bisnis2


What is the TOEFL Test?
 “TOEFL” stands for “Test of English as a Foreign Language”, and it designes to measure English language skills of non-native speakers. In particular, it measures four skills- speaking, reading, writing, and listening. However, it also tests skills that are bigger than just speaking or reading in English – such as your ability to understand new information, to create information, and to infer. 

TOEFL is a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in English-speaking universities. The test is accepted bu many English-speaking academic and professional institutions. TOEFL is one of the two major English-language tests in the world, the other being the IELTS. 

TOEFL is a trademark of the Educational Testing Service (ETS), a private non-profit organization, which designs and administers the tests. ETS issues official score reports, sent independently to institutions, for two years following the test. 

 What is the purpose of the TOEFL test? 
Purpose of the TOEFL test is to evaluate the potential success of an individual whose native language is not English to use and understand standard American English at a collage level. 

No matter where in the world you want to study, the TOEFL tests can help get you there. More than 6.000 collages, universities including the top collages and universities in the U.S, Canada, U.K, Australia, New Zealand as well licensing agencies in 110 countris accept toefl, to be exact. 

TOEFL test to measure English language skills of non-native speakers, Testing the English language profenciency of non-native English speakers for academic and other porposes.  

Experience of TOEFL test. 

 Yash Sharma, Scored 107 out of 120 
 The experience was a mixed one.  

Reading- The reading section was breeze but I still put a lot focus in it as I tended to lose focus in the practice test and do silly mistakes. Nevertheless, I goofed up somewhere and got a 28. I was a bit tired by the end of it though. The passages were dead boring and very long so try to improve your stamina.  

Listening- I dreaded this section the most as I had heard from many people that others students speaking section can come up when you are trying to listen very carefully and I have had friends who screwed up this section just because of this section. So I just pressed the headphone tighter to my head and started listening and taking down notes. But god wasn’t on my side that day because not only did 3 other people nearby me started speaking, I also got experimental section in it. Si I ended up pressing the head phones tight to my ears for around 1 hour. Interestingly, I got a 30.  

Speaking- I goofed up this section pretty bad. I don’t know what happened, I got a tage fright and started stammering. This was not a good section for me. I ended up getting a 24 though.  

Writing- this was a pretty easy section. On the independent topic essay I just rambled on for like 750 words giving detailed examples for every point I raised. On the integrated writing question I noted down every point that the lecturer said and then just compared it with the complementary points from the passage. Just right as much as you can. I did the same and ended up getting a 28.  

Jash Bhankharia, Ms Computer Science,Boston University 
 It’s very basic exam of English. If you have studied in English for most of your life you should do well. To prepare you should just give some mock test to get familiarized with the type of questions and sections the have. A typical TOEFL exam has 4 sections-Reading, writing, listening, speaking.  

Reading- don’t read the entire passage at one go. You are gonna end up getting lost. Just read the first couple of lines of every paragraph and get a gist of what is it about. While andwering questions all questions will be in top to bottom order. (1st and 2nd question from paragraph 1 and so on) this will save you a lot of time.

 Writing- extravagant and flowery words are not always necessary. If you don’t know the meaning for sure then don’t write it. Also long essays will fetch you good score in writing. So just write as much as you can. Back up all your points with an example. Example should be genuine. It doesn’t matter if is true. You could make up any life event of your own. No one will come and ask for its proof.  

Speaking- practice with soft music palying around you. Not so soft that no one can hear and not so loud that you can’t concentrate at all. This will help you tackle the noise of students around you who are also on their speaking section.  

Listening- if you are a person who watches a lot of English movies and series (without subtitles) you should do fine in this section. Practice is the key to this. No specific hack I would say. 

Thank you for :