Senin, 24 April 2017

The Letter That Changes My Whole Life

It was the letter that changes my whole life without me even knowing it.

I am not a rich family. But also not of a poor family. My life is running with very happy, though never feel of luxury. I come from a family that was less understanding of education. Daddy and mama I just graduated Junior high school which is not too understand education. But dad always pressing right to achieve the highest education, even though I am a woman. A lot of people out there thinking if a woman does not need to get a high education, but not for my dad. For him the most important thing is education to get a bright future.

One day my dad is sick. Months Of he withstand the pain, therefore cannot earn a living for the family. Gastritis (maag kronis) indeed had long periods of illness. It was the worst moment in my life and my family's economy. At that point the father always told to his children that keep health and diligently studied in order to be successful in the future. Since that time my life changed. Of students who have not had any dreams and life goals into women who are full of dreams.

Women should be educated, not just for success but also to teach to his children in the future. That's the motto in my life.

Now I'm at Univesity of Gunadarma. 1 year again I will finish college. Insya allah :) ... soon my dream fulfilled one into a Bachelor's degree in economics. There are still a lot of my dreams in the future. One dream I want is lectures abroad. It's been a long time dream I dreamed of. Hopefully soon the dream come true :) aamiin
There is nothing impossible in this world if there is a will, hard work, prayers and encouragement from yourself, your family and the people surrounding us. Keep in the spirit of achieving that, we can surely :)

Sabtu, 15 April 2017

My Profile

I was born in jakarta, 20 years ago. Precisely dated August 19, 1996. I grew up in families betawi and sunda. I was given the name "raissya maghdalifah". raissya taken from the name of the great-grandfather of the "rais", because I am a woman, the name rais added the word 'sya' became raissya. While the maghdalifah was taken from one of the cities in Arabi, the muzdalifah. I am the second child of three siblings. My big brothe's name is Ridho Ayudia Arrazi. My lil brother's name is Achmad zaldy basyarrillah. My hobbies are watching a football game and basketball, listening to music, and travelling. I love PERSIJA Football club and Pelita Jaya basketball club.. My Idols are bambang pamungkas, cristiano ronaldo, arlonsy miraldy and daniel wenas. I like stuffed teddy bear, animal cats and the color red.

I have some ambition, the closest ambition now is completing my college with a GPA of 3.5. My second ambition is to continue study abroad. The reason is a little strange hehehe, because I want to feel the longing for my parents and indonesia. I would like to know how much I love my parents and indonesia. There are two countries which 'd like to continue my studies. They're United Kingdom and Australia. England is the best country to study and watch a football game hehe. And australia is a country with many Indonesian students who attend college.  

In my opinion, I'm a weak and unstable. Because I have a lot of ambition but don't know which measures have to be executed. I am the woman who easily touched. I am easy to cry when watching the sad movie. Moreover, a movie about old people.  I am the person who always want to be one step ahead from everyone, but my own laziness is bothering me.I'm easily get bored. I am someone who can't be mad. I would rather supressed my anger and forget it. People first impression of me, they think i am suck, ferociously, and arrogant, but when they are already getting to know me, i am someone who pleasant and kind.